Westmont’s Commitment to ESG

Westmont is committed to sustainability and responsible business practices

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Social Responsibility

Westmont understands the importance of environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and corporate governance in today’s business landscape

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Sustainability and Respect for the Environment

Westmont is committed to aligning its sustainability with the growing demand for environmentally conscious and socially responsible investments in the hospitality industry

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Governance and Business Ethics

Through initiatives such as energy-efficient operations, Westmont strives to minimise the environmental footprint and contribute positively to each hotel and their local communities

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Support for Education & Entrepreneurship

Westmont is also committed to education and supporting entrepreneurship with its partnership with the Nova School of Business & Economics (Nova SBE) in Portugal & The Westmont Enterprise Hub at the University of West London


Westmont’s Investment in the Future of Hospitality

Westmont Hospitality HallNova School of Business & Economics (Nova SBE) and Westmont, have entered into an exciting partnership to develop and promote education in hospitality, tourism, and service management. Westmont Hospitality Hall (pictured above) is located at Nova SBE’s Carcavelos campus and houses the Westmont Institute of Tourism and Hospitality (WiTH).

WiTH focuses on leadership, entrepreneurship and innovation within the industry with excellence, innovation and impact at the core of its mission. It brings a unique offering by combining practical hospitality knowledge within an academic and entrepreneurial setting. The campus in Portugal offers a diverse ecosystem, providing young professionals and executives with strong and relevant skills for the future.

Tourism and Hospitality is a global industry and often plays a vital role in sustainable economic growth for developing countries — especially in Africa, an important region of focus for Westmont.

For more information, please visit https://www.novasbe.unl.pt/en/community/institutes/nova-sbe-westmont-institute-of-tourism-hospitality/overview